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Destiny 2 is a massive multiplayer first-person shooter with an abundance of loot to collect and utilize in its toughest activities, including challenging Raids, Dungeons, and competitive Crucible multiplayer. However, with a vast selection of weapons and armor pieces to gather, numerous Subclass build options, and an array of space-magic terminology to comprehend, Destiny 2 can be overwhelming for beginners. Whether you're a new player starting out or a returning player seeking to reacquaint yourself with the game, this comprehensive Destiny 2 guide is designed to assist you.

What is classes and subclasses?

As a new player in Destiny 2, your first step is to choose a Class for your character, which will determine their Guardian role and abilities within the game's universe. You can opt for the tough Titan, the agile Hunter, or the wizardly Warlock, each with their unique Super abilities and more.

After selecting your Class and creating your character, you'll gain access to three Subclasses that you can easily switch between. By playing through certain expansions, you can unlock additional Subclasses. You can also enhance your Subclasses with new powers called Aspects and modify them with Fragments to create powerful builds tailored for specific activities, such as our Destiny 2 Solar builds.

How do I unlock a specific subclass in Destiny 2?

To unlock a specific subclass in Destiny 2, you need to complete certain objectives or quests. Here are the steps to unlock each subclass:

Hunter subclasses:

  • Arcstrider: You can unlock the Arcstrider subclass by playing through the story campaign and completing the "Riptide" mission on Titan. You will receive a quest called "The Arcstrider's Path," which will guide you through the process of unlocking this subclass.
  • Gunslinger: You can unlock the Gunslinger subclass by playing through the story campaign and completing the "Hope" mission on Io. You will receive a quest called "The Gunslinger's Way," which will guide you through the process of unlocking this subclass.
  • Nightstalker: You can unlock the Nightstalker subclass by playing through the story campaign and completing the "Fury" mission on Nessus. You will receive a quest called "The Nightstalker's Trail," which will guide you through the process of unlocking this subclass.

Titan subclasses:

  • Sentinel: You can unlock the Sentinel subclass by playing through the story campaign and completing the "Utopia" mission on Titan. You will receive a quest called "The Sentinel's Code," which will guide you through the process of unlocking this subclass.
  • Striker: You can unlock the Striker subclass by playing through the story campaign and completing the "Riptide" mission on Titan. You will receive a quest called "The Striker's Charge," which will guide you through the process of unlocking this subclass.
  • Sunbreaker: You can unlock the Sunbreaker subclass by playing through the story campaign and completing the "Fury" mission on Nessus. You will receive a quest called "The Sunbreaker's Challenge," which will guide you through the process of unlocking this subclass.

Warlock subclasses:

  • Dawnblade: You can unlock the Dawnblade subclass by playing through the story campaign and completing the "Combustion" mission on Io. You will receive a quest called "The Dawnblade's Path," which will guide you through the process of unlocking this subclass.
  • Voidwalker: You can unlock the Voidwalker subclass by playing through the story campaign and completing the "Utopia" mission on Titan. You will receive a quest called "The Voidwalker's Journey," which will guide you through the process of unlocking this subclass.
  • Stormcaller: You can unlock the Stormcaller subclass by playing through the story campaign and completing the "Combustion" mission on Io. You will receive a quest called "The Stormcaller's Path," which will guide you through the process of unlocking this subclass.

Note that some subclasses require completing additional objectives or activities, such as completing certain activities or earning specific achievements. Additionally, certain subclasses may only be available through specific expansions or seasons.

What is weekly reset?

In Destiny 2, it's crucial to be mindful of the weekly reset, which occurs every Tuesday. During this time, numerous in-game challenges are reset, providing players with the opportunity to complete them again and earn even more loot for the upcoming week. Additionally, certain activities undergo rotations and updates each week, introducing new challenges and ensuring that gameplay remains engaging. For a comprehensive list of what gets reset every week, take a look at our guide.

What changes in Lightfall?

Destiny 2's expansion, Lightfall, promises to be a game-changer for the franchise, introducing a new campaign, fifth Subclass type for each Class, and a brand new destination called Neomuna – Neptune's pristine, high-tech capital. Players will need to fight against the Shadow Legion and team up with honorable Cloud Strider warriors to save Neomuna from falling. In addition to a new Raid and fresh enemies, Lightfall will also offer a plethora of new loot. Get ready for an epic adventure with this massive expansion.

How Exotic Weapons and Armor work?

Destiny 2 features a standard loot rarity system where gear quality is represented by different colors, with yellow representing the highest rarity – Exotic. Building a good Subclass is just one piece of the puzzle; Guardians also need to collect some of the best Destiny 2 Exotics to be fully equipped for any activity. With many options to choose from, it's crucial to prioritize the right Exotics for your Guardian's loadout. Here's how the full gear rarity scale works in the game:

  • Exotic (Yellow) = The rarest and (usually) best gear in the game. You can have only one Exotic weapon and armor piece equipped at once.
  • Legendary (Purple) = Powerful gear that will be the majority of your equipped items.
  • Rare (Blue) = Middling gear that is sufficient when levelling up.
  • Uncommon (Green) = Weak gear that’s used only for early levels, if at all.
  • Common (White) = Poor starting gear that you can quickly forget about.

Why participate in Heroic public events?

Activating and completing Heroic Public Events is essential for Guardians on patrol in Destiny 2. Each Public Event in the game can be turned Heroic by fulfilling certain hidden objectives. While some objectives may happen naturally, others require a sharp eye and specific actions to activate. Completing a Heroic Public Event results in increased rewards and huge Glimmer payouts.

What is Crucible?

Destiny 2’s Crucible offers players a unique and competitive arena-based PvP experience where they can battle it out with other Guardians in objective-based modes. If you're looking to improve your Crucible gameplay, check out our comprehensive guide of Destiny 2 Crucible tips. Additionally, players can participate in regular events like Trials of Osiris and Iron Banner for unique rewards and exclusive loot. Trials of Osiris is a small Crucible event that takes place every Friday and challenges two teams of three Guardians to an elimination-style match. Achieving a hot streak of wins can lead players to the Lighthouse, where they can claim even better loot. Iron Banner, on the other hand, is for larger teams and features chaotic 6v6 modes. Completing Destiny 2 Iron Banner challenges is essential for earning the best rewards available.

What is Gambit?

Gambit is a thrilling hybrid mode in Destiny 2 that mixes PvE and PvP elements. The objective is to defeat enemies, collect the Motes they drop, deposit them into your team's Bank, and then take on the final boss. The opposing team is doing the same thing in a separate arena, and a player can occasionally invade the other team to create chaos. You can find helpful tips and strategies in our Destiny 2 Gambit guide to improve your chances of winning.

How do I level up quickly in Destiny 2?

There are several ways to level up quickly in Destiny 2:

  • Complete weekly milestones: Every week, new milestones become available that offer powerful rewards. These rewards can help you level up quickly and get better gear.
  • Participate in public events: Public events are quick, repeatable activities that offer a decent amount of experience points and rewards. Look for the ones that are nearby and complete them as often as you can.
  • Play the Crucible: Playing in the Crucible PvP mode offers a lot of experience points for completing matches and bounties. This is a great way to level up if you enjoy PvP.
  • Complete bounties: Bounties are daily and weekly quests that offer experience points and rewards for completing specific objectives. Make sure to pick them up from vendors and complete them regularly.
  • Play with a fireteam: Playing with a fireteam offers a small experience point boost and can make activities easier and faster to complete.
  • Use XP Boosters: XP boosters are consumables that offer a temporary increase in experience point gains. These can be earned through various means, such as purchasing them from Eververse or receiving them as rewards for completing activities.

By using these methods, you can level up quickly and get the gear and rewards you need to progress further in Destiny 2.

How do I get exotic weapons/armor in Destiny 2?

Exotic weapons and armor in Destiny 2 can be obtained through a variety of ways, including completing certain quests, participating in raids and other high-level activities, purchasing them from vendors, or even randomly from exotic engrams. Here are some ways to get Exotic gear:

  • Exotic Quests: Certain Exotic weapons and armor can be obtained through completing specific questlines, like the Outbreak Perfected, Thorn, or Whisper of the Worm quests.
  • Raids and Other High-Level Activities: Exotic gear has a chance to drop from completing raids and other high-level activities like Nightfalls or Dungeons. The more difficult the activity, the higher the chance of getting an Exotic drop.
  • Xur: Xur is an NPC vendor who appears every Friday to Sunday and sells Exotic gear in exchange for Legendary Shards. He can be found in different locations each week, so keep an eye on where he is.
  • Exotic Engrams: Exotic engrams can be obtained through various activities and have a chance to drop Exotic gear. They can be decrypted at the Cryptarch in the Tower or through the Exotic Cipher system.
  • Season Pass and Seasonal Activities: Certain seasons or expansions may introduce new Exotic gear that can be obtained through the Season Pass or by completing specific seasonal activities.

Note that some Exotic gear is tied to specific expansions or seasons and may not be available to all players.

How do I complete a specific quest/mission in Destiny 2?

Completing a specific quest or mission in Destiny 2 can vary depending on the quest itself. However, here are some general steps that might help:

  • Identify the name of the quest or mission you want to complete, and make sure you meet any requirements for it. Some quests require you to have completed certain campaigns or activities, or to have reached a certain power level.
  • Open your Quests tab in the Director and locate the quest. This will give you an overview of the objectives you need to complete to finish the quest.
  • Follow the objectives listed in the quest, which may require you to complete specific activities or tasks, or to defeat certain enemies. The quest may also provide you with additional information or guidance on what you need to do.
  • Once you have completed all the objectives, the quest will be marked as complete and you will receive any rewards associated with it.

If you're having trouble completing a specific quest or mission, you can also try looking for guides or walkthroughs online that provide more detailed instructions on how to complete it.

How do I join a clan in Destiny 2?

To join a clan in Destiny 2, follow these steps:

  • Open the Destiny 2 Companion app or go to
  • Sign in to your account.
  • Go to the "Clans" section.
  • Browse for clans that are recruiting and find one that suits you.
  • Apply to the clan.
  • Wait for a response from the clan's administrators. If your application is accepted, you will become a member of the clan.

Alternatively, if you have friends or acquaintances who are part of a clan, you can ask them to invite you to join.

How do I get more Bright Dust in Destiny 2?

Bright Dust is a currency in Destiny 2 that is used to purchase various items, such as ornaments, emotes, and other cosmetic items. Here are some ways to get more Bright Dust in Destiny 2:

  • Complete weekly bounties: Certain bounties offered by vendors in the Tower reward Bright Dust upon completion. These bounties reset each week, so it's a good idea to prioritize them.
  • Complete seasonal challenges: Seasonal challenges are a new addition to Destiny 2 and offer players a chance to earn Bright Dust by completing specific objectives.
  • Dismantle unwanted items: Any unwanted legendary or exotic items that you dismantle will give you a small amount of Bright Dust.
  • Participate in events: Some events, such as the Festival of the Lost or the Dawning, offer opportunities to earn Bright Dust by completing certain activities or purchasing items with event currency.
  • Purchasing with Silver: While not a way to earn Bright Dust, players can purchase Bright Dust with Silver, which is Destiny 2's premium currency. However, it's worth noting that most players prefer to save their Silver for other items.

How do I get more Legendary Shards in Destiny 2?

Legendary Shards are a type of currency in Destiny 2 that can be used to buy Exotic items from Xur, upgrade gear, and infuse weapons and armor. Here are some ways to get more Legendary Shards in Destiny 2:

  • Dismantle Legendary and Exotic gear: Dismantling any Legendary or Exotic gear will give you a few Legendary Shards.
  • Spider's Wanted bounties: Spider is a vendor in the Tangled Shore who offers Wanted bounties that award Legendary Shards upon completion.
  • Buy from Spider: Spider also sells materials such as Simulation Seeds, Dusklight Shards, and Phaseglass Needles that can be purchased with Legendary Shards and then traded to planetary vendors for gear that can be dismantled for more Legendary Shards.
  • Random drops: Some activities such as strikes, Crucible matches, and Gambit matches have a chance of dropping Legendary Engrams that can be decrypted at the Cryptarch for Legendary gear that can be dismantled for Legendary Shards.
  • Weekly activities: Some weekly activities such as Nightfall Strikes, Flashpoints, and Raids award Legendary gear that can be dismantled for Legendary Shards.
  • Seasonal activities: Some seasonal activities such as Seasonal Challenges, Battlegrounds, and Override also award Legendary gear that can be dismantled for Legendary Shards.

Overall, there are many ways to earn Legendary Shards in Destiny 2, so you can choose the methods that work best for you.

How do I access the Vault in Destiny 2?

In Destiny 2, the Vault is a storage space for your weapons, armor, and other items that you want to keep but don't have enough space in your inventory. To access the Vault, you need to visit the Tower (or any social space) and find the Vault terminal. The Vault terminal can be found on the wall next to the Postmaster in the Tower, or by accessing the map and selecting the Vault option.

Once you have opened the Vault, you can deposit or withdraw items by selecting the items in your inventory and choosing the option to move them to the Vault or to your character. Note that the Vault has limited space, so you may need to manage your inventory carefully and regularly to avoid running out of space.

How do I participate in Trials of Osiris or Iron Banner in Destiny 2?

To participate in Trials of Osiris or Iron Banner in Destiny 2, you need to first ensure that you meet the requirements for each event:

For Trials of Osiris:

  • You must have completed the Destiny 2: Forsaken campaign
  • You must have access to the Trials of Osiris playlist in the Crucible
  • You must have a pre-made Fireteam of three players

For Iron Banner:

  • You must have completed the Destiny 2: New Light campaign
  • You must have access to the Iron Banner playlist in the Crucible

Once you meet the requirements, follow these steps:

To participate in Trials of Osiris:

  • Visit Saint-14 in the Tower Hangar to obtain the "Trial of Osiris" activity card
  • Assemble a pre-made Fireteam of three players
  • Enter the Trials of Osiris playlist in the Crucible
  • Win seven matches before losing three to reach the Lighthouse and earn the best rewards

To participate in Iron Banner:

  • Wait for Iron Banner to be available (usually only a few times per season)
  • Enter the Iron Banner playlist in the Crucible
  • Complete Iron Banner bounties and challenges to earn Iron Banner Tokens and reputation
  • Turn in Tokens to Lord Saladin in the Tower to earn Iron Banner rewards and gear

Why buy boost Destiny 2?

  • Time-saving: A boost can save you a lot of time by allowing you to quickly complete challenging activities, acquire gear, and level up your character without spending countless hours grinding.
  • Access to specific gear: Some boosts may offer access to specific gear or weapons that are difficult to obtain through regular gameplay.
  • Expert assistance: Boosting services often provide assistance from experienced players who can offer tips and strategies to improve your gameplay.
  • Competitive advantage: Boosts can give you an advantage in competitive game modes by allowing you to level up faster and acquire better gear more quickly.
  • Convenience: For some players, buying a boost is simply more convenient than spending time on tedious tasks in the game.

What is your region?

You can change it later in the top nav menu. Please note, that price of services might be different for different regions.

Also the currency matches certain region.